The little known 'Nungshiba Handicrafts' or better known as 'Precious MeLove', handcrafted-handmade fashion dolls by a few Naga women in Dimapur is ensuring women empowerment.
'Nungshiba' which means 'Love' in Manipuri has been named so in honour of its first crafts designer, Babita, a Manipuri.
Taking inspiration from beautiful Japanese dolls, the girls at Nungshiba Handicrafts are making use of left over fabrics to make beautiful handcrafted dolls.
Precious Melove (PML, an all-girls team from Nagaland started with an initial capital of Rs. 3500, saved from college scholarship fund, started on December 14, 2011 by Ms Zuboni Humtsoe through Facebook.
"My parents were not in good health and they needed me at home. So, I gave up my studies and came back home. Thinking of how to make a living, I saved my scholarship and invested in doll making. And this is how PML came into being," Ms Humtsoe narrates.
The dolls have been carefully designed and made to resemble tribals of north east India. Each Nungshiba handcrafted doll takes a day to make. It involves a lot of labor, detailing, experimenting and perseverance by the local tribal women. This is to ensure each Nungshiba handcrafted doll is special, unique and a joy that will last forever.
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Nungshiba is an initiative to encourage more self-empowerment by innovating- using creativity, artistic talent and skills.
Today, PML employs 10 girls, including a differently-abled girl.
Wth a humble beginning, today PML is steadily growing to become an online fashion brand selling premium Nagaland designs for women, accessories, vintage clothing a wide array of formals to stylish casuals, the latest trends to classic and basic style staples and handicrafts.
PML initially envisions to build a brand that celebrates fashion, femininity, creativity and freedom. To also provide a platform of opportunities for empowerment PML has been featuring and promoting talented young models, photographers, stylists, seamstresses, doll-makers from Nagaland.
"We endeavor to bridge geographical barriers through technology, innovation, using creativity and artistic photography to share our story. Our mission is to build long-term relationships with our customers and clients, providing exceptional quality and customer services," Humtsoe stated.
The online shopping site managed by Lozano Humtsoe was launched by Naga supermodel Ketho Leno Kense.
Presently, the site sells premium Nagaland designs for women under the tag 'Made in Nagaland' including Aben Jewellery, handpicked vintage clothing, Nungshiba Handicrafts - dolls of Nagaland etc.