Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister Chandrababu Naidu on Monday promised appropriate action in the incident relating to a visually impaired school principal allegedly beating up three visually impaired boys in Kakinada town.
"I am feeling bad about it. This is a very bad incident that has happened and we will take appropriate action on it," said Naidu.
The incident had happened two days back and came to light after T.V. news channels played a clipping showing the principle thrashing up the boys with a stick.
The school principal, Srinivas, and the school's secretary K V Rao, have been arrested by police after it received complaints from the parents of the students.
Meanwhile, another Andhra minister, P Satyanarayana said, "This is a very heinous crime. I condemn this incident severely. We will take appropriate action in this incident. I will make sure that these things don't happen again. Beating blind children is a very serious crime."
He said that he has directed the concerned officer to visit the place and have asked for a report on this.