Senior Congress leader Salman Khurshid on Sunday said that name of Jamia and Shaheen Bagh is taken along with the name of India these days. He was addressing a gathering at Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI) university area.
"There is fire spread at several places across the country. This started with your pain. Around the globe, wherever the name of India is taken, the name of Jamia and Shaheen Bagh is taken along with it," said Khurshid.
He said that it pained him "how poorly" students of the varsity were treated, referring to the clash between the Delhi Police and Jamia students on December 15.
"I have come to Jamia to meet the students and people of my 'Khandan' (family members). We are not scared but it has pained us how poorly the students were treated. Why were they treated in such a manner?" asked Khurshid.
The Congress leader also took an indirect jibe at Prime Minister Narendra Modi and accused him of dividing people on the religious lines.
"You (students of Jamia) have raised a basic question. Those who took an oath to work under the constitution, how much are they abiding by the constitution if they are trying to divide the people of the country on religious lines," Khurshid said.
He said that the people of the country do not belong to any community except humans.
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"You (Modi) did not understand the constitution or the country. The people of this country are neither Hindu nor Muslim. They are of humans and we are sure humanity will prevail in the end," he added.
A clash had erupted between the students of JMI and Delhi Police at the varsity campus after a protest against the Citizenship Amendment Act turned violent on December 15.