The police on Tuesday detained Telugu Desam Party (TDP) general secretary Nara Lokesh and party MLA Gadde Rammohan here in Vijayawada while they were protesting in support of farmers to continue Amravati as only capital for the state.
The TDP leaders alleged that they were detained in order to stop them from attending the 'Highways Blockade' program. Nimmala Rama Naidu, former minister Kollu Raveendra, was also detained by the police.
Before detention, Lokesh expressed solidarity to the agitation of farmers against state Chief minister Jaganmohan Reddy's government decision to have three capital for the state. "Amaravati should continue as only capital of the state. The government should roll back its idea of three capitals," he said.
Later, TDP chief N Chandrababu Naidu expressed fury over house arrests of party leaders in Krishna and Guntur districts. He condemned the house arrests of TDP leaders.
In a press release, he said, "Thousands of families are agitating on roads for Capital, TDP leaders were trying to go to extend support to farmers and agriculture labour. It is undemocratic to prevent them from meeting with farmers. Illegal detention of hundreds of TDP leaders is the height of dictatorial behaviour of YSRCP government."
Demanding release of party leaders, he said; "It is highly condemnable of filing illegal cases on agriculture labour. No government cannot suppress the public with the police force. We demand that all the arrested must be immediately released and false cases must be removed.