A Delhi court on Monday agreed to postpone the next date of hearing in the National Herald case from March 21 to May 16 on the basis of a joint application of complainant Subramanian Swamy and accused Sonia Gandhi and others.
The March 21 date was pending at the stage of recording of pre-charge evidence and was fixed for cross-examination of the complainant.
Both parties decided to seek postponement of the date in view of the outbreak of COVID-19.
"Delhi district courts have been advised to take up only urgent matters as the need of the hour is to stop the spread of the virus," an advisory issued by the Delhi High Court stated.
Swamy was to be cross-examined by the lawyer of Congress leaders on March 21. Sonia and Rahul Gandhi's lawyer RS Cheema had earlier cross-examined the BJP leader in the partly held cross-examination in the court of the ACMM Vishal Pagina.
Swamy had filed the case in 2012 accusing Sonia and Rahul Gandhi and others of conspiring to cheat and misappropriate funds.
He had stated that the Congress party granted an interest-free loan of Rs 90.25 crore to Associated Journals Limited, owner of the National Herald newspaper.