With Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Akhilesh Yadav backing Congress vice president Rahul Gandhi's controversial "khoon ki dalali" remarks against Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the surgical strikes, Samajwadi Party (SP) leader Amar Singh on Tuesday said their party chief Mulayam Singhji has always taught them that issues concerning the nation security should always be handled with maturity and seriousness, and thus one should make responsible comments.
"I am telling you frankly that we have worked under honourable Mulayam Singhji and ahat Akhilesh and Rahul (Gandhi) meant was that any party should not take advantage out of the brave act of our soldiers. But this expression (of Rahul Gandhi on surgical strikes) should be explained in detail, this is what I feel," Singh said.
"I am not a spokesperson of Samajwadi Party, but I am a part of it and what we have learnt from Mulayam Singh ji is that whenever something is related to the nation, it should be handled with maturity, determination, seriousness and one should comment responsibly," he added.
Earlier, Akhilesh Yadav backed Gandhi's 'khoon ki dalali' remark.
Speculation about a possible electoral alliance between the Samajwadi Party and the Congress is not new. However, leaders on both sides have been officially denying it.
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