Chief of Naval Staff Admiral R.K. Dhowan on Thursday downplayed the 'white paper' released by China on Tuesday that outlines a strategy to boost Beijing's naval reach and announces plans for the construction of two light houses in disputed waters, developments which are likely to escalate tensions in a region already jittery about Chinese maritime ambitions.
The naval chief replying to the question of China's perceived threat in the Indian Ocean region said "It is natural for any navy to have its plans which cover a spectrum of their entire operations, so it is
normal activity for any white paper of any navy," said Admiral Dhowan.
In a policy document issued by the State Council, the Communist-ruled country's cabinet, China had vowed to increase its "open seas protection", switching from air defence to both offence and defence,
and criticised neighbours who take "provocative actions" on its reefs and islands
On the issue of coastal security, the navy chief explained the action being taken since the Indian navy was given the charge as the lead agency in coordination of coastal security in 2008.
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"Setting up of 46 coastal radar stations, 74 automatic identification systems, induction of our fast and scepter class and leveraging of technology with patrols that are carried out by the navy and the coast guard. Our ships, UAV's and aircraft keep the complete surveillance under patrol," added Admiral Dhowan.
The navy had seized a number of illegal boats operating in Indian seas which were used for Narcotics trade.