The National Investigation Agency on Tuesday arrested two more accused in connection with the Pulwama attack case in which around 40 CRPF personnel were killed on February 14 last year.
Among those arrested are Tariq Ahmed Shah, 50, resident of Hakripora village, Pulwama, Jammu and Kashmir, and his daughter Insha Jan, 23. Tariq Ahmed Shah works as a Tipper driver in South Kashmir, read a statement from NIA."During initial interrogation, Tariq disclosed that his house at Hakripora, Pulwama was used by Adil Ahmed Dar (Fidayeen), Mohd. Umar Farooq, a Pakistani terrorist and IED maker, Kamran another Pakistani terrorist (both were later killed in encounters with security forces), Sameer Ahmed Dar, a Jaish-e-Mohd terrorist from Pulwama and Mohd. Ismail, a Pakistani terrorist," the statement said.
Tariq facilitated all the terrorists at his house for sheltering and for the planning of the attack on the CRPF convoy. His house was also used by the terrorists for preparing and recording of video of Adil Ahmed Dar, which was released by Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) soon after the Pulwama attack.Meanwhile, Insha Jan facilitated the terrorists at their home and provided food and other logistics during their stay on more than 15 occasions for two-four days each time, in their house during the year 2018-2019. Initial interrogation has revealed that Insha Jan was in constant touch with Mohd. Umar Farooq, Pakistani IED maker and was in communication with him over the telephone and other social media applications.Further investigation is underway.