The Lok Sabha has been adjourned till tomorrow, while the Rajya Sabha has been adjourned till 2 p.m. today following an uproar over Telangana and Arunachal Pradesh student Nido Taniam's killing.
MPs from Seemandhra region, cutting across parties, stormed the Wells of both the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha as soon as they assembled for the day.
They carried placards saying 'Jai Samaikya Andhra Pradesh' (hail united Andhra Pradesh).
In the Lok Sabha, some members mentioned the death of a student from North East in Delhi with Left MPs demanding action against the culprits.
Speaker Meira Kumar repeatedly appealed to members to maintain calm and allow smooth conduct of the House, reminding them that it was the last session of the 15th Lok Sabha.
As her pleas went unheeded, she adjourned the House till noon and later till tomorrow.
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Similar scenes were witnessed in the Rajya Sabha and Chairman Hamid Ansari too adjourned the house.
Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh appealed to all sections in Parliament to cooperate with the government in passing important legislations.
"This is probably the last session of the parliament, and, this my sincere appeal to all sections of the House to contribute to creating the feeling and atmosphere thereby this session will go down in history as an historic session," Dr. Singh told media here.
"We have important pieces of legislation ready for approval by parliament and I sincerely hope that parliament will create an environment with all sections of the House can work together to pass these bills," he said.
"Well, I think, these are hiccups (Telangana), I hope all sections of the house will have wisdom to set aside prejudices and create an atmosphere conducive to the harmonious working of House," he added.
As many as 39 bills, including the Telangana bill and six anti-corruption legislations, will be taken up during the session.
The session, convened mainly for the passage of the Vote-on-Account and interim Railway Budget, will have 12 sittings between the 5th and the 21st of this month.
Crucial legislations like Communal Violence Bill, Disability Bill, Women's Reservation Bill and other bills passed by one of the two Houses are also listed for passage during the session.