Nikhil Dwivedi and Richa Chadha were recently spotted promoting their upcoming film 'Tamnchey' at Umang College Fest in Mumbai.
Speaking about the film, Chadda said, "Tamanchey is North India's local handmade gun which is not so affective at times. So our film 'Tamanchey' is a volatile love story of two people who are running away from law and eventually fall in love with each other.
"I would like to say that people will see a pulpy romantic film after really long so I hope they will like it", she added.
Commenting on the college crowd, Dwivedi said, "It was their day today, we really liked it. Their enthusiasm, their energy and confidence was great. And the confidence which I saw today was amazing. It was a lot of fun coming here".
The film, directed by Navneet Bahl, is scheduled to release on September 19.