Union Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday said the government has asked the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) to probe the Nirbhaya documentary and assured that all provisions for broadcast will be removed so that such mistakes never happen in the future.
"We have spoken to I and B Ministry. Also, wrote a letter to MEA. We will look into it if there is any requirement and if responsibility can be fixed on someone and accordingly investigation will be done," he told the media here.
"The provisions will be removed under which it was permitted so that such mistakes never happen in future. And you are aware that permission was not granted during our tenure," he added.
Amid much controversy over the interview of Nirbhaya rape case convict Mukesh Singh done by British filmmaker Leslee Udwin, the Director General of Police of Delhi's Tihar Jail, Alok Kumar Verma, was summoned by Home Minister Rajnath Singh on Wednesday to seek an explanation over how the interview was allowed to be conducted of a convict who is in custody.
Verma has reportedly submitted a formal report to the Home Minister.
The Rajya Sabha, earlier in the day, witnessed huge uproar over the BBC interview of convict Mukesh Singh, prompting Home Minister Rajnath Singh to commit to a proper investigation of the same.
"The government has obtained a restraining order on broadcasting of film. The government has taken necessary legal action, our government condemns the incident of 2012," said Rajnath.
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He added that he was surprised about the circumstances in which the orders to shoot the documentary were given.
A Delhi court has restrained the media from broadcasting or publishing the interview of Mukesh Singh, one of the convicts of the Nirbhaya gang-rape case, after the Delhi Police moved court for a restraining order against his interview.
The Information and Broadcasting Ministry has also issued an advisory to all television channels to not broadcast the documentary on Nirbhaya.