Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar called on his Delhi counterpart Arvind Kejriwal here on Friday and assured the latter full support for the demand for full statehood to the national capital.
"Delhi should get full statehood status and we will give our complete support in this," Nitish said after the meeting.
The Bihar Chief Minister also congratulated Kejriwal for the Aam Aadmi Party's splendid victory in the Delhi Assembly elections.
"Congratulated Arvind ji for his party's historic victory in Delhi elections; nothing else was discussed during the meeting," Nitish said.
Kejriwal on his part said that the Bihar Chief Minister had come to congratulate him for the AAP's victory in Delhi assembly polls.
"Nitish ji came to congratulate for victory in Delhi. We had lunch together, there was no talk of joint-politics," Kejriwal said.