Jammu and Kashmir Governor Satya Pal Malik on Wednesday said that there have been no civilian casualties in Kashmir after the abrogation of Article 370.
Addressing a press conference on Wednesday, Satya Pal Malik said, "We managed to keep things under control during Panchayat elections, Lok Sabha elections and even now. Every Kashmiri life is valuable to us, we don't want the loss of even a single life. There has been no civilian casualty, only the few who got violent are injured."
"I also wish to inform you that even those who are injured, except one, every injury has been below the waist. Even the person who was injured in the neck is now safe," Malik added.
During the media briefing, the Governor was also asked about the number of people arrested since the abrogation of article 370 to which, Jammu-Kashmir's Director-General of Police Dilbagh Singh said that the number arrests were not very big.
"The process of arrest and release is a dynamic one and people are apprehended and released on time to time basis," Singh said.
"If we apprehend youth, we counsel them and keep them for some time. The number of those arrested is not big enough to cause any concern," Singh added.