Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanth, who has recently completed his six months in power, outlined the achievements of his government and said that there has been no incident of riot in past six months in the state.
Addressing the media at the Lok Bhawan in Lucknow, Adityanath said, "We have presented our government's report card of six months in front of you. The condition of state before March 19, 2017 is not hidden from anyone," adding, "After March 2017, there hasn't been a single incident of riot. Prior to that, we had seen cases of riots taking place in the state. On an average there were two major riots in a week."
Listing out his government's achievement, he said that the people in the state now feel a sense of safety.
We have created a favourable environment in Uttar Pradesh for investors.
Taking a shot at his predecessor, Akhilesh Yadav's government, Yogi said, "It was priority to rid UP of jungle raj. I am happy that hard work by our ministers has instilled sense of confidence in people."
"Earlier the caste politics and family politics had ruined the state. It's only now in 15 years that a government has worked beyond caste and family politics. Our government is farmer and youth centered," he further said.
The Chief Minister said that his government has constantly worked for welfare of farmers. He said, "We're launching systematic drive which will help government retrieve 1000 hectares of land which have been in grips of land mafia since years."
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He also claimed to have started a system of providing tube well connection to every single farmer in the state and solar pumps to lift the burden of electricity bills from the shoulders of farmers.
"We have created job opportunities in the state. We have initiated recruitment for 47, 0000 police posts and will create in the coming three years. We have registered more than 6 lakh youth under the skill development initiate," Yogi said.
Yogi led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) came into power in Uttar Pradesh in March this year after scoring a massive victory in the Assembly election.