Post 'Cars 3,' 'Toy Story 4' and 'The Incredibles 2,' Pixar is no more interested in doing any sequel right now, rather it is only interested in new ideas.
According to the Independent, the company president Jim Morris said, "Everything after Toy Story and The Incredibles is an original right now."
"Most studios jump on doing a sequel as soon as they have a successful film, but our business model is a filmmaker model, and we don't make a sequel unless the director of the original film has an idea that they like and are willing to go forward on," Morris added.
Further explaining the hurdles of doing a sequel, the president said, "A sequel in some regards is even harder [than the original] because you've got this defined world which, on the one hand, is a leg-up, and on the other hand has expectations that you can't disappoint on."
Looks like these comments are bad news for people looking for a sequel to 'WALL-E' or 'Inside Out,' but probably good news for fans of Pixar in general.