There are more foreign journalists in North Korea than there are in Tibet, a new report has found.
The conclusion was drawn by Tibet scholar Carole McGranahan, who is a professor of the University of Colorado at Boulder.
According to the Washington Post, McGranahan, who made the point during a recent lecture at Yale University, discussed the rising trend of Tibetan self-immolations - a form of political protest against Chinese rule.
He also discussed about the challenge of understanding Tibet's turmoil.
McGranahan discussed one of the major challenges facing an anthropologist like herself who wants to study Tibet: simply getting information.
McGranahan said she can't go herself unless she sneaks in, adding that Tibetans living in exile face the same problem.
She added she can't read journalistic reports because, with the exception of the 'very brave' Chinese-Tibetan journalist Woeser, they are almost never allowed to go.