The Congress Party on Sunday took potshots at Prime Minister Narendra Modi's monthly 'Mann Ki Baat' radio address and said there is nothing left in the programme.
"Nothing is left in his 'Mann Ki Baat' besides talking about demonetisation. He will read out two or three letters and will give his reaction on it in his programme," Congress leader Meem Afzal told ANI.
The prime minister on Sunday addressed the last 'Mann Ki Baat' of the year. It will be his 27th edition of the programme. Started since October 3, 2014, he has been speaking with this programme almost every month.
Afzal further criticised the government's demonetisation drive, saying there is no respite even after 47 days and people are still suffering.
"The prime minister told that after 50 days, the problems will decrease, but there is no hope that people will be relieved so soon," he said, adding that demonetisation move has not been launched with strategic planning.