So are you really, really dying to know what your friend's second cousin thrice removed gave his dog for breakfast?
Or are you very engaged with what your mother's aunt's sister's daughter will wear on her wedding? Are social networks today too social for you? Would you rather hang out only with PLU's who get you and like what you like and better yet, hate what you hate.
Don't you wish you could choose not to be tagged into everyone's everything?
If you get where this is coming from, then, the new star on the web horizon is just for you.
Hubhopper is the world's first Silicon Valley based user-adaptive social network for music and film aficionados. Because you are different and you are dynamic, Hubhopper keeps up with your mood for the day, beyond just your basic likes, loves and hates.
For instance, one day, you are in the mood for engaging with musicians and aficionados of tribal music and the next day, you want to hang out with jazz junkies but then, on the third day, you've just had a fight with your significant other and want to see nothing in relation to anything romantic but would rather interact with conspiracy theory content and alien documentary fanatics.
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You titrate your mood both in terms of the people as well as the type of content you wish to engage with and that is all you get, until you're ready for something else again.
"We are today on the cusp of transition. People on the web are no longer enamoured by the idea of unlimited data being hurled at them. Hubhopper takes out the guesswork and puts the user in complete control of her online experience to ensure it is tailor-made just for you right this very second," says Gautam Raj Anand, CEO and founder of Hubhopper.
Anand quit a promising career as a banker to set up Hubhopper, along with Uday Raj Anand, a 27-year-old Economist and an IIT-tech junkie with a double master's degree from Oxford.
Set to launch later this month, Hubhopper overhauls the entire experience of social networking from how you like something all the way to converting virtual interaction with another user into a reality.