The Delhi High Court on Friday granted former Haryana chief minister Om Prakash Chautala, who is serving a 10-year jail term in teachers' recruitment scam case, parole to attend his grandson's engagement function.
The Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) leader had sought permission to attend his grandson and MP Dushyant Chautala's 'roka' ceremony and the 'ring' ceremony to be held on January 2 and January 3. Chautala will have to surender on January 4.
Chautala, his son Ajay Singh Chautala and three others, are serving jail term in the case. Recently, the court had allowed Ajay Chautala to attend the marriage function of his son.
On January 22, 2013, a trial court here had sentenced 55 accused in the case. Among those convicted were 82-year-old Chautala's then political adviser Sher Singh Badshami, the then Officer on Special Duty (OSD) Vidya Dhar, IAS, and then Primary Education Director Sanjiv Kumar, besides 50 others.