Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik on Wednesday launched "Jal Sathi" initiative to engage the women from self-help groups in water distribution and consumer management with the aim of women empowerment.
"Clean water is the most important thing for a healthy life. The inclusion of the women this initiative will strengthen the System and it will provide economic empowerment to women volunteers," said CM Patnaik.
Jal Sathi program has been launched on a pilot basis in Bhubaneswar under the 5T (Transparency, Teamwork, Technology, Time, Transformation) initiative of Housing and Urban Development Department of the state government.
These women volunteers will ensure the supply of clean drinking water through piped water systems.
The volunteers will also be responsible for field testing of water quality, facilitating new water connection, regularising connections, meter reading and bill generation and facilitating complaints redressal.
Moreover, a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between Water Corporation of Odisha (WATCO) and Women federation Jal Sathi will act as an link between consumers and Public Health Engineering Organisation / WATCO.