The Odisha government on Tuesday hiked the minimum daily wages of unskilled, semi-skilled, skilled, and highly-skilled labourers in the state.
The decision was taken by the Naveen Patnaik-led state government following the recommendation of the Minimum Wages Advisory Board under the Department of Labour.
As per the revised pay, the daily wages of unskilled labourers have been hiked to Rs. 280 from Rs. 200, and from Rs. 220 to Rs. 320 in case of semi-skilled labourers.
The government also increased the daily remuneration of skilled workers to Rs. 370 from the earlier wage of Rs 240, while high-skilled workers will be getting Rs. 430 instead of Rs. 260.
The revision in wages was made after three years, keeping in mind factors such as consumer inflation, the prevailing minimum wages in the neighbouring states.