Uttarakhand DG (law and order) Ashok Kumar on Wednesday said that 26 people had attended the Tablighi Jamaat event held at Nizamuddin area of South Delhi from the state and none of them have returned to their homes so far.
Tablighi Jamaat event has emerged as a hotspot for COVID-19 after cases all across India were linked to the gathering, including deaths in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Telangana.
"There is some sort of confusion pertaning to the number of people from Uttarakhand in connection with Nizamuddin Markaz event. The reality is that only 26 people from here have gone to attend the event and at present all of them are in Nizammudin. No one has returned home," he said while speaking to ANI in Dehradun.
According to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, the total number of COVID-19 positive cases have reached 1637 in India, including 1466 active cases, 133 cured/discharged/migrated people and 38 deaths.