West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee on Friday raised the chit fund scam matter in the Assembly and claimed that only Left is "unaffected" by the Central probe agencies as they have an understanding with the Bharatiya Janata Party.
"There is no political party in the country, except the Left, which is unaffected by the investigative agencies. This is because they must have a certain understanding with the BJP," Banerjee said addressing the Assembly.
"Chit fund started in 1980; it began during the Left rule. We have arrested the accused. Channel 10 was started when? It didn't start in our tenure. When did Rose Valley scam start? All began in Left's tenure. We have arrested the accused persons," she said.
Further, calling anti-lynching bill introduced by her government, a "protection cover" for all, she said: "Rajasthan government failed to bring the bill on anti-lynching since the governor did not give its consent. But we took consent from the governor before it was tabled."
Cornering BJP over lynching incidents in the state and across the country, she said: "I don't support BJP's ideology. One cannot resort to lynching for personal enmity, on the basis of caste and religion, rumours of child lifting or mere politics. The Supreme Court has asked the state governments to act against lynching. Just because no state has passed the bill that doesn't mean we will not do it too."
"Someone has to wake up first. Bengal has always acted first in crisis situations. Records of lynching in the states are not available. Does that mean that the lynching didn't take place? Of course, it took place but there were no records published by the National Crime Records Bureau after 2017," she added.
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The TMC chief also talked about viral videos on social media, which are leading to communal tension in the society.
"It's not Facebook, it is a Fakebook. They (Centre) are sending videos leading to communal tension. Even Amartya Sen is being targeted. Media is basically being run by a Central advisory," she said.
Earlier today, the Mamata government introduced an Anti-Lynching Bill in the Assembly.
The Bill titled West Bengal (Prevention of Lynching ) Act 2019 described lynching as "any act or series of acts of violence or aiding, abetting or attempting an act of violence, whether spontaneous or planned, by a mob on the grounds of religion, race, caste, sex, place of birth, language, dietary practices, sexual orientation, political affiliation, ethnicity or any other ground.