Hailing Indian shuttler PV Sindhu and actor Deepika Padukone for conveying the message of 'Bharat ki Laxmi' movement, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Tuesday said our ethos has always taught us to strive for women empowerment.
Sharing a video featuring Sindhu and Deepika, Prime Minister Modi tweeted, "India's Nari Shakti epitomises talent and tenacity, determination and dedication. Our ethos has always taught us to strive for women empowerment. Through this video, PV Sindhu and Deepika Padukone excellently convey the message of celebrating #BharatKiLaxmi."
Earlier today, Sindhu supported 'Bharat Ki Laxmi' movement and said societies grow when women's are empowered.
"Societies grow when women are empowered and their accomplishments are given a place of pride! I support PM @narendramodi ji #BharatKiLaxmi movement. It celebrates extraordinary achievements of extraordinary women of India. This Diwali, let's celebrate womanhood," Sindhu tweeted.
Addressing the nation during the 57th episode of 'Mann ki Baat', Prime Minister Modi announced this campaign and called on citizens to outline the achievements of 'daughters' of the country using BharatKiLaxmi hashtag.
"There must be numerous daughters amongst us who, through their perseverance, diligence and talent have brought glory to their families, society and the country. This Diwali, can we arrange programmes to honour the Laxmi of India?" Modi said.
"This time, let us do campaign #Bharatkilaxmi. Encouraging the Laxmi of Bharat amounts to strengthening the paths of prosperity for the country and her citizens," he added.