The Haryana Police on Sunday arrested three miscreants including Rewari Karni Sena president Harinder Tinku in connection to the recent violence that took place in the Gurugram during the release of movie'Padmaavat'.
"One more miscreant namely Harinder Tinku who is the president of Karni Sena of Rewari district has also been arrested from Kurthla Nuh today by Special Investigation Team (SIT) under the supervision of the DCP South Gurugram," read an official statement.
So far 45 miscreants arrested have been arrested and best efforts are being made to identify remaining miscreants involved in the incidents across the district, it added.
Earlier yesterday, Haryana Police confirmed that a total of eight cases have been registered and 38 miscreants have been arrested in connection with the recent violent attack on a school bus carrying nursery students and torching of a state roadways bus here.
Gurugram Karni Sena chief Thakur Kushalpal was also detained by the Haryana police in connection with the incidents of violence, on Saturday.
A Special Investigation Team (SIT) has been constituted to investigate the matter.
On January 24, a school bus was attacked by a group of men, who were protesting against the release of the film in Haryana's Gurugram. The protesters threw stones at the bus, which was carrying students, teachers and other staff members of Gurugram's GD Goenka World School. The protesters also torched a state bus in Gurugram.