Security expert Sushant Sareen on Friday said that dismissed Pakistan's remarks on the creation of special townships for Kashmiri Pandits in Jammu and Kashmir, calling for the remarks to be 'treated with the contempt it deserves'.
"Pakistan's statement reflects the Islamo-fascist nature of the state. The second thing is that it reflects the ignorance and idiocy of the Pakistan foreign office. It is quite clear from the Pakistan foreign
office spokesperson's statement that she has obviously not read the UN resolutions," Sareen told ANI.
"Kashmir is not only a Muslim area. There is an indigenous Hindu population also. We should treat this statement with the contempt that it deserves," he added.
On Thursday, Pakistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs official spokesperson Tasneem Aslam said that that any effort to create special townships in Jammu and Kashmir would violate the resolutions of the
United Nations Security Council, adding that the people of the state are resisting such a change.