Bollywood actor and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leader Paresh Rawal on Friday took a dig at Congress president Rahul Gandhi, saying if the latter could address the parliament without a hitch, an earthquake will come.
Rawal, while addressing the media said, "Agar aaj Rahul ji bina padhe, bina fumble kare, bina ghalti kare 15 minute bolenge toh dharti zaroor hilegi, hilegi bhi kya, naachegi."
He made this statement with reference to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech during Karnataka assembly elections where he had challenged Rahul to speak for 15 minutes without reading from any paper.
The statement came as the Lok Sabha today took up a debate on the no-confidence motion against the Modi government.
The debate was initiated by the Telegu Desam Party terming the ruling party as a saga of empty promises.
The opposition gave momentum to the motion under issues like special status to Andhra Pradesh, mob lynching incidents, cow vigilantism, communal statements and atrocities faced by minorities.