The Congress on Friday termed Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar's allegations against former Prime Ministers as 'serious and grave' and asked him to put all the facts in public realm.
"We call upon the Defence Minister to place all these facts with all evidence in public realm so that people of India know what he is saying," Congress leader Randeep Singh Surjewala told ANI.
Terming Parrikar's statements as grave, the Congress leader slammed the saffron party for its 'shoot and scoot policy.'
"An extremely serious and grave charge has been leveled by Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar. We hope Defence Minister knows the seriousness of the charge and he is making it responsibly unlike the shoot and scoot policy that the Bharatiya Janata Party is known to follow. Level an allegation, have no evidence to establish it, runaway from it and take a u-turn," he said.
Surjewala further said that the Defence Minister's accusations "either mean strategic assets of the armed forces were compromised or the intelligence assets were compromised by a Prime minister."
"In case, Defence Minister is also passing these remarks as off-the-cuff remarks then it is the extreme height of irresponsibility and Defence Minister must withdraw the remarks and express appropriate regrets to the nation," he added.
Earlier, Parrikar reportedly alleged that certain former Prime Ministers had compromised the nation's security but stopped short of revealing any names.