In a reality show attended by the Indian Cricket team players Deepak Chahar, Surya Kumar Yadav and Parthiv Patel, Parthiv stated that Sachin Tendulkar gave him the diet advice that suppresses hunger for the success of your country.
In an interesting turn of events, Parthiv revealed his past experience of playing with Master Blaster Sachin Tendulkar and recalling what he said during the match between India and Pakistan in Mohali during 2011 World Cup.
"Sachin Tendulkar gave us a wonderful lesson. He addressed us and told us that if we want to starve, starve it to win the match. This boosted the team's confidence to another level," he added.
The event was also attended by 'One India My India' music stars; Sukhwinder Singh, Mithoon and Jubin Nautiyal.
During the show, Parthiv discussed how players should be very particular about their diet before and after matches. It needs the utmost mental and physical stamina for the body. Joining the conversation Parthiv shared an incident from the 2011 World Cup match between India-Pakistan at Mohali.
"During the match, there were strict restrictions on entering the premises with outside food. For this very reason, there were situations where we had to starve in our dressing room," Parthiv said.