Any attempts to disrupt peace and interference in India's internal matters will not be tolerated, Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu said on Thursday, adding that while New Delhi wants to maintain cordial relations with all countries "including its immediate neighbours", peace remains a prerequisite for progress in the relations.
"India always believes in its age-old philosophy of 'Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam' or that the whole world is one family and endeavours to maintain cordial relations with all countries, including all its immediate neighbours," Naidu said while addressing the Indian diaspora of Azerbaijan here.
"However, any attempt to disrupt peace and interference with our country's internal matters will not be tolerated. Peace is a prerequisite for progress and we cannot allow anyone to derail the journey towards peace and prosperity," he added.
Apprising the community about the recent developments in Jammu and Kashmir, the Vice President explained in detail the rationale behind the abrogation of Article 370 of the Constitution.
"It is a step to extend to the people of the state all the benefits being enjoyed by the other Indian citizens. It is a step that was supported by an overwhelming majority in Parliament. It is a step towards development," Naidu said.
Citing some distortions in certain sections of the media, he urged the diaspora to understand the issue in correct perspective.