Defence Secretary Chuck Hagel has proposed to shrink the US Army.
The move, which could close military bases and making other military-wide savings as part of a broad reshaping after more than a decade of war, will shrink the size of the US Army to its smallest size in 74 years. According to news24, Hagel outlined his vision in a speech at the Pentagon, a week before President Barack Obama is to submit his 2015 budget plan to Congress.
Under the Hagel plan, which Congress could change, the active-duty Army would shrink from its current 522 000 soldiers to between 440 000 and 450 000.
Hagel has also proposed some bolder moves such as eliminating Air Force's fleet of A-10 aircraft, its venerable U-2 spy planes, and reductions in the size of the Army National Guard.
The last time the active-duty Army was below 500 000 was in 2005, when it stood at 492 000.
Its post-World War II low was 480 000 in 2001, according to historical tables provided by the Army on Monday.