Advocate Manoj Kumar Dixit, who has filed a case against Aamir Khan over his 'intolerance' remark, said on Wednesday that the Bollywood actor had instilled fear within various sections of society by declaring India as unsafe.
"Have filed a case against his statement that India is not safe and that in 8-10 months a sense of insecurity has been spread. Khan is a star, a perfectionist, and a trendsetter who has crores of fans who may imitate what he does. He is also the brand ambassador of 'Incredible India'," Dixit told ANI.
The advocate asserted that Khan's statement could be misused across the world to promote the message that India was an 'insecure' nation and does not protect its people.
"He has created a sense of fear within the society by declaring India as insecure. His statement can cause differences between people and incite enmity between religious communities," Dixit added.
The case has been filed under IPC section 124 A (sedition), 153 A (promoting enmity between different groups on religious grounds) 153 B (Imputations) and 505 (statements conducing to public mischief).
Earlier, speaking at the eighth edition of the Ramnath Goenka Excellence in Journalism Awards, Aamir had expressed alarm and despondency over the rise in cases displaying intolerance in the last six to eight months.
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He had said that a sense of 'insecurity' and 'fear' had seeped deep within society.
"When I go home and talk to Kiran (Aamir's wife), for the first time she says, 'Should we move out of India?'" Khan said.
Meanwhile, the government has condemned Khan's statement saying that knowingly or unknowingly, he had managed to hurt India and himself with his 'irresponsible' statement, adding that the 'painful' remark has boosted the 'orchestrated' disinformation campaign launched by the political opponents.
"Aamir has produced many sensitive, thought provoking and realistic films that have become popular in India. Unfortunately yesterday, knowingly or unknowingly, he has hurt India and himself with what he said," Naidu told ANI here.
However, the Congress has strongly backed the actor while lashing out at the BJP-led NDA Government for not handling the problems confronting the nation in the 'right way'.