After Shahrukh Khan and Karan Johar, who were attacked over the Pakistani artists, Mika Singh is the latest celeb to take the heat from the Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) for referring to Pakistan as "humara Pakistan" in a promotional video of his upcoming U.S. concerts.
The 40-year-old playback singer, who is all set to perform in Chicago and Houston just ahead of Independence Day, took to social media to clarify that his U.S. shows are only for "Hindustanis."
"People are thinking that I'm going to perform in Chicago and Houston for Pakistanis, which is completely wrong. I'm doing this show only for Hindustanis. I'll be sending you people videos to prove it," he said, adding, "I am always proud to be an Indian [sic]."
"I spoke to MNS leader Amey Khopkar over the phone and requested him to not worry. I also assured Raj Thackeray that I will be performing only for India," the 'Aaj Ki Party' hit-maker noted before ending his clarification with "Jai Maharashtra."
Few days ago, the singer said in the promotional video that his gigs would be held in celebration of India's Independence Day, which falls on August 15, and Pakistan's Independence Day, which is on August 14.
In response, the Raj Thackeray-led MNS staged protests in Mumbai, Pune and Nashik on Saturday. Khopkar, who heads the MNS Cine Workers Association, even threatened him.
"Here, Indian soldiers are being killed by Pakistani forces and we have a singer like Mika performing a 'Humara Pakistan' show. If Mika performs, he will face an MNS-style welcome in Mumbai," he said.
The party also wrote a letter to Maharashtra Chief Minister Devendra Fadnavis, seeking a ban on the singer.