It all began in the year 1982 when a young Sam (Adam Sandler) and Will Cooper (Kevin James), who later on becomes the president of the United States of America, while playing video games, decide to participate in the arcade gaming world championship.
At the event, they meet Ludlow a brilliant kid, who is in love with Lady Lisa (main character of Dojo Quest).
During the championship, the MC announces that the whole event will be taped and sent into outer space in search for any other life in the universe.
Sam gets through every stage and is tied with a hot shot player Eddie. The tie breaker game is Donkey Kong and during the final stage Eddie starts mumbling about some pattern which distracts Sam and lose focus thereby losing the game and come 2nd.
Come 2015, Sam works in a company which installs hardware and software's and Will is the president of the USA.
The US military base in Guam is attacked by aliens and completely taken out.
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In the meanwhile, Sam is sent to install some hardware in Violet's (Michelle) house. Violet is a divorcee and starts crying in the closet, and that's when Sam comforts her.
Then, Sam gets a call from Will to come to his office urgently. Little did Sam know that Violet is a Lieutenant Colonel in Will's office. Will shows Sam the footage of the Guam attack, and then, Sam remembers the video game Galaga as the attack pattern is similar to that game.
This is when the US administration realises that the world is under attack by aliens, because the aliens misinterpreted the footage of the 1982 video game championship as a signal of war.
They then designed the video game characters as weapons to attack earth. This is when Will recruits Sam, Ludlow and Eddie to fight against the video game characters to save the earth.
All in all, the movie will take you back to your childhood, where video games like Pac Man, Donkey Kong, Galaga and other classics will be on display.
One more thing, only a kid who grew up in the 80' or early 90's can relate to the characters shown in the movie.
So, go ahead and relive your favourite arcade video game. The movie is also in 3D so you can have a better experience.