Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday congratulated his Tonga counterpart Akilisi Pohiva on his victory in the recently held elections in the Pacific kingdom.
According to an official release, Prime Minister Modi, in a letter to Prime Minister Pohiva, extended his good wishes to the people of Tonga.
"Please accept my warm congratulations and best wishes on your election as the Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Tonga. India deeply values the close relationship with Tonga, which has grown in intensity over the years," the letter read.
"I have great appreciation for our ties with the Pacific Region, which is why India recently hosted the Forum for India-Pacific Islands Cooperation in Suva, Fiji. We are planning to host the next edition of the Forum in India later this year, which I hope you will be able to attend," Prime Minister Modi added.
In the recently held elections in Tonga, Pohiva became the first elected prime minister of the Pacific kingdom.