Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Sunday applauded the efforts by Assam chief minister designate Sarbanand Sonowal aimed at motivating and inspiring the Indian athletes gearing up for the Rio Olympics 2016 and called on the nation to do the same instead of focusing solely on India's medal tally at the global sports event.
"Whenever the Olympic season descends in the nation, everyone keeps talking about how our medal tally will be. Everyone right now, in their own way, is motivating our athletes, who are gearing for Rio. We should be prepared for both victory and loss and in no way should that affect our determination to motivate our athletes," he said.
The Prime Minister, who was addressing the nation in the 20th edition of his 'Mann Ki Baat' programme, also praised Sonowal for heading to the Netaji Subhash National Institute in Chandigarh where the athletes were training despite the tension of the poll results in Assam.
He said that he was extremely pleased with the efforts by the chief minister designate to ensure that all facilities and training of the athletes was up to mark.
"He took stock of the situation, of how the athletes are being treated, their diet, trainers and training machines. He went into the minute details while making the assessment. I was very pleased with his efforts as the Union Sports Minister," he said..