Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday launched RuPay Card in Bhutan. Modi, who is on a two-day visit to Bhutan, launched the RuPay Card by making a purchase at Simtokha Dzong.
A total of five Memorandums of Understanding (MoUs) was signed between India and Bhutan in the presence of Prime Minister Modi and Bhutanese Prime Minister Dr Lotay Tshering here.
Indian Ministry of External Affairs (MEA) spokesperson Raveesh Kumar in a tweet said Simtoka Dzong, built-in 1629 by Shabdrung Namgyal, functions as a monastic and administrative centre and is one of the oldest dzongs in Bhutan.
"Simtoka Dzong, built in 1629 by Shabdrung Namgyal, functions as a monastic and administrative centre and is one of the oldest dzongs in Bhutan. Today, for the first time ever, the historical monument is the venue where projects inauguration ceremony and MoUs exchange will take place," Kumar said in a tweet.
Earlier in the day, Prime Minister Modi arrived in Bhutan for a two-day visit. He was welcomed by his counterpart Dr Lotay Tshering and others on his arrival at the Paro International Airport.