Referring to Una Dalit incident in Gujarat, Congress spokesperson Randeep Surjewala on Thursday said the Modi government is least concerned about Dalits or poor people, and because of that, the public are saying that Modi has become arrogant.
"The Dalits and poor people are extremely persecuted in Modi's government, and the country's Prime minister is not available. The Prime Minster of the country is silent. The people have now begun saying that Modiji has become arrogant in power and he is not able to hear the grievances of the Dalits and the poor," said Surjewala.
He further said that the BJP has always been muted on issues related to Dalits and the poor people, be it the review of constitution or depriving the benefit of reservation to Dalits and backward classes, or suicide case in Hyderabad or the beating up mercilessly, beating, humiliation and parading of naked Dalits brothers in the state of Gujarat by people of their own party.
Surjewala said that "Prime Minister Modi must speak up and take decisive action. Just by giving three lakh rupees to victims will not get back their lost honour, respect and lives. Rather by doing so, Modi is mocking to poor people and Dalits."
"The entire nation is stunned and shocked and deeply pained by Prime Minister Narendra Modi's absolute silence on Dalit atrocities being committed by his government and under their very nose," he added.
He also said that, Rahul Gandhi met the family of the Dalit victims today in Una and added that the Congress will lead this fight for Dalits under the guidance of both Rahul and Sonia Gandhi.