Prime Minister Narendra Modi's interaction with students from across the country on the occasion of Teachers Day, in an unprecedented first, was a big hit with the students.
"We learnt a lot through Prime Minister Modi's speech. He taught us to conserve electricity at night, to preserve the environment and what I liked most about his speech was that he told us students to stop people from throwing litter on the roads," said Nirmala Sharma, a student from a Delhi school who was present at the venue.
Another student from the national capital said she hopes that such an interactive session with the Prime Minister takes place every year.
"Our Prime Minister is very good and we will always remember this Teachers Day. We hope such an interactive session occurs every year. We learnt what value teachers have in our lives and most importantly, that for a big change we should make little changes in our lives," she said.
The Prime Minister's speech inspired not only the children present in the auditorium but it was an equal hit with the kids across the nation.
A group of students, who watched the speech in Bangalore, said, "We had a beautiful experience. The Prime Minister interacting with students is something that has never happened before. We really appreciate his taking up the issues of girl students and childhood. We want to adopt all that he said. The interaction was very nice and we are happy that we students were able to discuss our thoughts with the Prime Minister."
Shyama S, an eleventh standard student from Trivandrum said, "I am very happy that Prime Minister Narendra Modi interacted with us. It is the first time in the history of the nation that a Prime Minister interacted with school students."
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In a school in Delhi, the girl students lauded Prime Minister Modi's emphasis on clean toilets.
Girl from the same school said, "I liked the PM's statement that there should be no discrimination among students and everyone should be treated equally," said a girl from the same school.
Meanwhile, Kausar Jahan, a student in a Lucknow Madarsa, said the Prime Minister explained the role of teachers is in our lives.
"When a person becomes an engineer, doctor, army man or any professional, it is because of the efforts of his teachers," Jahan said.
Prime Minister Modi's speech was broadcast across the nation. It was for the first time that a Prime Minister directly interacted with the students on the occasion of Teachers Day.