A police complaint has been filed against Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) president Dilip Ghosh on Friday for allegedly threatening his political opponents with physical assault during a public speech in Arambagh on Thursday.
The complaint has been lodged by Ashoke Sarkar, formerly with the BJP and now with the Shiv Sena. He feels threatened as he claims to be "prime political adversary fighting several cases against Ghosh and his party".
Sarkar has urged the police to take appropriate action against Ghosh in order to prevent him from issuing such threats in future.
"You are requested to take appropriate steps for our security as well as take necessary actions against Dilip Ghosh and prevent him from issuing these obnoxious threats repeatedly, vitiating the democratic environment," said the complainant.
In the written complaint submitted to the office in charge of Jorasanka Police Station, he has mentioned that if at all anything happens to him he will hold Ghosh responsible for it.
"Under this circumstance, I fear for my security and that of my associates. If any accident or harm happens to me or my close associates, I (will) hold Dilip Ghosh responsible for it," read the complaint letter.