Uttar Pradesh Police Inspector Subodh Kumar Singh, who lost his life in the clashes that erupted over the presence of illegal animal slaughterhouses in Uttar Pradesh's Bulandshahr city, was the Investigating officer (IO) of the Akhlaq lynching case, Uttar Pradesh Police's Additional Director General (ADG) of law and order Anand Kumar said on Monday.
"It is clarified that Subodh Kumar Singh, who died during Bulandshahr violence was the Investigating officer (IO) of Akhlaq lynching case in Dadri from September 28, 2015, till November 9, 2015. The charge-sheet was filled in the case by a different IO in March 2016," he told media here.
As per the police, clashes began after locals found cattle carcass in the nearby area.
During the violence that ensued in the region, a local youth, identified as Sumit, was shot and immediately shifted to a hospital in Meerut. However, he succumbed to his injuries.
In the wake of the unrest, Kumar said apart from Sumit, one policeman died in stone pelting by villagers.
"People complained that cattle carcass was found in the field, villagers were assured action, but villagers carried the carcass on a tractor and blocked the main road. The protest turned violent and stones were pelted on police. Forces retaliated with lathi charge," he added.
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