Haryana Chief Minister Bhupinder Singh Hooda on Saturday congratulated the batting maestro Sachin Tendulkar for getting the Bharat Ratna, and also thanked President Pranab Mukherjee and the UPA Government for conferring this prestigious award to the cricket icon.
"I want to congratulate Sachin for this. I want to thank President Pranab Mukherjee, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, and our Government and for this decision. He is the first sportsperson to get Bharat Ratna award. His performance has been outstanding, and he has several international records to his name,' he said.
Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar said: "I welcome this, and this is a very happy moment for everyone."
BCCI Joint Secretary Anurag Thakur also congratulated to the master blaster, and said that the youth of this country must take inspiration from his dedication and hard work.
"I am glad to hear this news. It is a great honor. I want to wish and congratulate Sachin for this. It is a matter of immense pride. Youth must be inspired by his dedication and hard work. He has served our nation for last 24 years," he said.
Samajwadi Party leader Azam Khan, echoing similar sentiments, said that Sachin Tendulkar has made India proud all over the world.
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The government has announced that Sachin Tendulkar will be awarded the Bharat Ratna for his contributions to the sport.
The announcement was made through a press note issued by the Rashtrapati Bhavan here.
The press note said: "The President of India has been pleased to award the Bharat Ratna to Shri Sachin Tendulkar."
Tendulkar, who retired today after playing his last and 200th Test, becomes the first sportsperson to get the country's highest civilian award.