Union Finance Minister Arun Jaitley on Friday criticised the Congress for playing what he termed 'politics of obstructionism', acknowledging the strength of the Indian democracy in view of the Mines and Minerals Bill and the Coal Mines Bill being passed in the Rajya Sabha.
"Today is a significant day for Indian democracy, the Parliament and the Indian economy as the politics of obstructionism of the Congress has been defeated. Their only motive was to hamper the functioning of the government," Jaitley told the media.
"But today, due to the strength of Indian democracy and the understanding of the MPs, both the Mines and Minerals bill and the Coal Block Allocation Bill have been passed," he added.
The Finance Minister also said that a fair and transparent auction of minerals and coal blocks would be conducted.
"All the money collected in national treasury through auction of coal and minerals will be given to coal and mineral bearing States. This will be a concrete arrangement of computerised auction of coal and mineral blocks," Jaitley said.
The Rajya Sabha earlier in the day passed the Mines and Minerals (Development and Regulation) Amendment Bill.
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According to reports, 117 people voted in favour of the bill while 69 opposed it.
The bill would now be sent to the Lok Sabha for consideration.