Rubbishing the myth that the poor people of India steal electricity, Union Minister for Power and Coal Piyush Goyal on Thursday said it is the big fish who plunder the nation's resources, while adding that the Centre will take strict action against those found guilty.
Participating in ETV's popular 'The J C Show', Goyal told Head, News, Jagadeesh Chandra, "Normally poor don't steal electricity. It's the large consumers and industries who steal electricity. And those who are involved in this won't be spared. Both the Centre and state will take strict actions against them."
Goyal further said that it is due to Prime Minister Narendra Modi's dedication to make India corruption free, that sheer transparency is being maintained in auctioning of coal and that in spite of him being in the coal sector, he has been able to keep himself clean and out from any sort of corruption.