CPM leader Prakash Karat was on Wednesday denied permission to enter Ambedkar University here, where he had been invited by a Left-backed student body to talk over the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), citing the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) for the ensuing Delhi elections.
"I was not given permission to hold a meeting at Ambedkar University, citing that it would violate the Model Code of Conduct for Delhi elections," said Karat in a statement.
Karat addressed the students while standing outside the varsity gate, where the police personnel were deployed.
"As I was not allowed to enter the university, I addressed the students outside the varsity," he said.
The event had been organised by the Students' Federation of India (SFI).
Karat, who has been opposing the new citizenship law, has urged the Centre to take back the "unconstitutional" Citizenship Act, as the law is discriminatory in nature.