Delhi Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia on Saturday informed the media that preparations are underway in some school of the national capital for the visit of the First Lady of the United States (FLOTUS), Melania Trump to attend a happiness class.
However, the minister refused to reveal the name and location of the school in which Melania Trump would be visiting, due to security concerns for the visiting dignitaries.
"All preparations are taking place according to the MEA and the Central Government. Yes, in some schools, some preparations are underway for Melania Trump's visit but I cannot tell you more about that due to security issues," he said while speaking to media in New Delhi.
The first lady will arrive in India on Monday with President Donald Trump.
The Happiness class was started by the Aam Aadmi Party in 2018. As a part of the programme, students are taught various activities including meditation, street plays, basic obedience and aims to reduce anxiety and stress levels among children.