Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath here on Friday asked officials to chalk out an action plan now itself for the "challenging situation" the state will be in if the lockdown comes to an end on April 15.
At the 'Team-11' meeting at his official residence here on Friday, Adityanath said that if the lockdown opens from April 15, the situation will be very challenging.
Under these circumstances, it will be very challenging to comply with social distancing, Adityanath said.
"Prepare an action plan when and how schools, colleges, different markets and malls will open," he said.
He urged officials to ensure that the needy get food on time and asked them to take help from Non governmental organisations.
The Chief Minister said that preparation must be at two levels- develop a strategy in view of the current situation and also for the future.
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He said that community kitchens should be run in every district. "Build a collection centre so that everyone does not get to distribute food. Collect food there and go for distribution," he said.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced a nationwide 21-day lockdown effective from March 24 midnight to combat COVID-19.
The total number of COVID-19 confirmed positive cases in India on Friday rose to 2301, with 56 corona linked deaths in the country according to the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare latest update.