Seems like preparations for her role in upcoming Bollywood flick 'Padmavati' have commenced for gorgeous actress Deepika Padukone, as she was recently spotted carrying a copy of 'A History Of Rajasthan' by Rima Hooja at Mumbai airport.
The actress was travelling from Mumbai to Delhi for an event of a brand.
Deepika, who is in a midst of shooting for her upcoming titular role, 'Padmavati', seems to have been fascinated with the birthplace of queen Rani Padmini.
With flights proving to make for a peaceful reading ambience, the 31-year-old made the most of her time by gaining insights into history.
The actress is known to get into the skin of her onscreen character in order to do justice to the film's premise and with 'Padmavati' too, the actress is leaving no stone unturned in understanding the requisites of playing the role of the queen of Mewar.
Being a part of a historical film, the actress is tracing history to have a better understanding of the intricate details of the era.
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