Days after seven teachers of a government school in Tripura were transferred after a video went viral in which they were seen dancing on a Bollywood number, a new video has now emerged in which the principal of the government polytechnic is seen in the same act.
The principal is seen dancing along with the female students of the institute during the Teacher's Day celebration in this video.
"Such incident is not desirable on the part a principal dancing with students inside the institute and especially on Teacher's Day celebrating the birthday of Dr. (Sarvapalli) Radhakrishnan. It is a kind of abuse to that person and he has to answer all these things," said Bhanulal Saha, a senior minister.
Saha further said that it was a clear case of breach of discipline.
There are also allegations against the principal that he had punished and physically hurt a student of the final semester of the institute after he raised question on his act.
A video, which went viral earlier on June 8, showed seven teachers of Khudiram Basu English Medium School of Agartala dancing to Bollywood songs during the celebration of foundation day. The government has ordered an inquiry into the matter.