Delhi High Court on Tuesday granted parole to Priyadarshini Mattoo rape and murder case convict Santosh Kumar Singh for writing his LLM Exams.
Singh is pursuing LLM through a distance learning course and is in the final year.
During the parole hearing, Delhi Government counsel did not oppose Singh's plea. He is serving a life term for raping and murdering Mattoo, a law student.
Justice Mukta Gupta granted Singh parole for three weeks starting May 21. Singh's exams will be starting from May 24.
Court has also asked Singh to furnish a personal bail bond on surety amount of Rs 25000 each.
Singh was acquitted by the trial court in the year 1999, but later, the Delhi High Court set aside the trial court order and held him guilty of rape and awarded him capital punishment.
In 2010, the Supreme Court reduced his punishment from capital punishment to life sentence.